Pre-order available now!
Healing IBS, SIBO, and IMO with Homeopathy
CourseThis course will review IBS, SIBO and IMO in great detail, while discussing applicable homeopathic remedies through case studies and clinical pearls to improve your success rates in helping patients achieve remission from these difficult conditions.
Pre-order available now!
NPLEX II Homeopathy Review
CourseThis full review of remedies, philosophy, and practice questions designed for naturopathic students who need a little extra help with their homeopathic studies for NPLEX II boards.
Advanced Homeopathy Mentorship Spring 2024
CourseClass will run from April 24 - May 29th on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 pm PST. Topics include repertory work, posology, and case analysis/management. Sessions will be recorded to watch at your own pace through the course end date if you cannot attend.
Pre-order available now!
Homeopathic Treatment of Antibiotic Resistant Infections
CourseAntibiotic resistance is on the rise! This course is designed for practicing homeopathic MD's, DO's and other homeopathic practitioners who are looking to enhance their skills in prescribing homeopathic remedies for anti-biotic resistant infections.
Constitutional Prescribing: History, Limitations, and Modern Interpretation
CourseThis course is designed to help homeopathic practitioners who struggle with constitutional prescribing to understand the history, limitations, and correct practical applicability of homeopathic remedies to increase successful case prescriptions.